

Hello...Hello there...Hi Friend. Saying hello is so nice.

After a very long day of travel on Christmas Eve we landed at SFO to find my mom and dad and brothers and Alicia waiting to greet us. What a welcome! We had such a wonderful visit with my parents this Christmas. While we were kept close to home a few days due to illness we still were able to spend time with many family and friends.  We spent time outside, we sang lots of songs, we hugged and laughed and were so happy to be together.


You may have noticed some changes to the blog lately, mainly that I've added a written story to narrate our photos. For many reasons it felt like the right time to use this space differently. Soon after Colton was born, I realized that the hours and days were beginning to blur together in circles of diaper changes, making meals and naps. And while these things are important and necessary to our days, I also want to remember other, mostly smaller parts of our days when we are engaged in more exciting activities.
Because, really, I think we do a lot of really fun things! 

And of course I want this to be a place were I can share our days with you. A place to say hello, since our opportunities to say hello in person are too far in between.
So, hello...I'm glad you're here. And Happy New Year!
Best wishes in 2012,

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